OPTION 1 - Make a Donation
a. To make a direct donation to our charity simply follow the link here:
If you are a UK tax payer then click on GiftAid where you see it as the charity is able to claim an extra 25% of the donation you make from the Government under the GiftAid scheme
b. If you prefer to make your donation by BACS transfer then our bank details are as follows:
Account name: Withybush Hospital Cancer Day Unit Appeal
Lloyds Bank Sort Code: 30-93-98 Account Number: 01996426
c. Cheques made payable to Withybush Hospital Cancer Day Unit Appeal can be sent to: Trish George, Treasurer, c/o 12,Mariners Way, Steynton, Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire, SA73 1AZ Tel. no 01646 698736
(Please note that our bank now requires cheques are made out to our full name as shown above
ie. no abbreviations)
OPTION 3- Fundraise on Our Behalf
For anyone thinking of organising a fund raising event to support our aims e.g. seeking sponsorship for a Half Marathon etc.,
then why not get friends and family to sponsor you by registering your event in support of our Appeal by visiting the following link- www.everyclick.com. Once you have registered your activity on line with everyclick.com then your supporters can pledge their sponsorship by going direct to the web site - It's simple to do and effective with no need to collect cash. Giftaid helps to boost donations from people who pay UK tax.
Register Your Event by clicking the button aside
A Chance to Double Your Achievement!
Many larger UK companies are keen to support their staff when they fundraise by matching the amount of money you raise for a charity. Why not ask your employer?
Here are some well known names

Ally Rosser

Tressa Devine

Chris Brace
James Roach-John

Dr Mike Bartlett

Some of

Port to Port Team

Andrew Cole

Alexis George